Global Payment Hub
Securely manage all of your employee payments using a single integrated environment.
Global Payment Hub
Global Payment Hub
Employee payments made simple
One place to initiate any employee, contractor or statutory payment. Global Payment Hub makes multiple payments simple, whether you are paying salaries, pensions, expenses, allowances, bonuses or any other payment. Let the Global Payment Hub generate compatible payment files for upload to your banking or payment service.
Choice of payments
User defined payment types and configurations.
Simplify treasury management by batching payees into payment groups, storing individuals bank details and payment preferences. With an intuitive and flexible tool you can upload values for any payment type. Use the payment configurator to easily specify source bank accounts and make your local or global payments.
Easy maintenance
Current bank details
Receive bank account updates from the authoritative source such as HCM, administrators, employees or external services. Effective dates ensure the most recent account details are always used for payments.
Payment Flexibility
Tailored to each employee
Supporting any country our system holds the banking identification information required for every jurisdiction. Employee payment preferences include options for split payments, fixed exchange rates, instructed and equivalent amounts.
Safe and Secure
ISO 27001 accredited
Keeping your employees bank details and payments safe. Governed by strict user privileges and role segregation, isolating payee’s account management and payment file creation. Recording the history of each and every payment and payment file creation, permanent audit logs allows traceability of all updates.
Payment Channels
Payment Channels
Supporting all banking protocols
The payment channel is influenced by your funding model, treasury management and payment approval processes. The Global Payroll Hub provides flexibility to choose the financial institution and payment type by payroll or payment group. Storing all of the employee personal identification information along with address and bank details to deliver your payments through your chosen channel.
Salary payments do not need to be costly
Employee costs are a significant proportion of your business turnover, we focus on secure, timely and cost effective processing of employee related payments.
Investigate the options and capabilities of the global payment hub. See how this solution can benefit your treasury and finance team whilst improving your employee’s satisfaction.

Delivering Results
A rapid return on your investment
Global Payment Hub is a secure enterprise grade application with minimal implementation costs allowing you and your organisation to start and quickly scale to meet all of your employee payment requirements. Find out how we can facilitate your payments, contact us.